Single Deck Mezzanine

The most basic version of our Mezzanine. But basic does not automatically mean average!

This single self-supporting construction can be equipped with stairs, railing and a pallet handling system. When the Mezzanine is used as a platform to walk on, the standard load is 250 kg/m².

A higher load of 500 kg/m² or 1000 kg/m² is also possible for floors with conveyor belts, roller conveyors or automatic transport systems.This type of platform is then specifically designed for these loads.

The steel construction can be finished in different ways. Generally this consists of chipboard floor panels but there are also other options such as grating, delignit or concrete.

Almacon always advises the most suitable combination between the steel construction and the floor finish. We take the best option into account for point loads and stability.

Contact us to discuss the possibilities for an All-Deck Single floor.

Since 19 June 2020 we have been located with our new business premises at Kristalstraat 36 in Bleiswijk. STUDIOJEROENDEJONG has provided our new building with a contemporary and modern working environment. An interior in which further optimization and growth is possible, our open and dynamic culture comes into its own and the various departments are even more connected.

View the beautiful photos and read more about the story Almacon tells with this interior!


Do you have questions about our services or do you want to know more about the possibilities? Contact one of our engineers.

Afbeelding 016_918x688.5
Heavy duty 1_918x688.5
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Afbeelding 016_918x688.5
Heavy duty 1_918x688.5
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