SCOPE 1, 2 & 3
Scope 1, 2, and 3 are terms used to classify an organization’s different categories of carbon emissions (or greenhouse gas emissions). This classification helps companies see how much pollution they cause and how they can reduce it, both in the things they do themselves and in the energy they purchase.
Scope 1, direct emissions
These are emissions caused directly by the company. These include emissions from company vehicles, and heating of buildings. They are the greenhouse gases released from sources owned or directly controlled by the company.
Scope 2, indirect emissions of energy
This category includes indirect emissions resulting from the production of the electricity, steam, heating and cooling used by the company. Although this energy is produced outside the company, its emissions are attributed to the company because it consumes this energy.
Scope 3, other indirect emissions
This is the broadest category and includes all other indirect emissions that result from activities of the company, but occur from sources not owned or directly controlled by the company. Examples include emissions associated with the production of purchased materials, transportation of purchased materials, subcontracted work, use of the company’s products by others, and waste disposal. Scopes of emissions as greenhouse carbon gas calculation. Companies, industries and cities pollute air directly or indirectly.
In summary, Scope 1 and 2 are more directly related to activities within the company and its energy consumption, while Scope 3 provides a broader picture of the company’s total supply chain impact, including both the supply chain and waste chain. By understanding these scopes, companies can develop more effective strategies to reduce their climate impact.Almacon CO2 Footprint