Alldeck Conveyorsupports
Roller tracks and conveyors, or conveyors, are widely used in logistics centres and production areas. These systems often need support structures to be used at height. Such systems can be mounted hanging below our platforms, directly on top of them or raised above the floor via a construction. Clothes racks can hang from them, but they can also carry pallets weighing +1,000 kg. Almacon has a suitable solution for all these variations. When using conveyors, in addition to deflection, horizontal load also plays a major role. This is caused by the acceleration or deceleration of the goods on the conveyors. Almacon has extensive experience in designing and supplying these support structures for conveyors. Almacon also has the right solution for mounting conveyors to the existing building structure by installing consoles. Contact us to discuss the possibilities for your Conveyor Supports.

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Do you have questions about our services and are you curious about the possibilities? Please contact one of our engineers.